Most of the time when pet owner wants to groom their pets they just simply give them a bath or just do nail clipping. But, grooming includes a lot of little details such as paw cleaning, paw massage, tick or flea treatment etc. We at DeePet offers pet grooming at home which includes:
1- Brushing
Brushing technique plays an important role to remove loose hair and enhance the skin health including coat. Our team uses the tools according to the pet's breed and coat type.
2- Teeth cleaning
Oral hygiene is something that we neglect but it is something crucial for your pet's health. DeePet Services offer teeth brushing for pet grooming facilities for your furry friend so that they maintain good oral health and keep bad breath away.
3- Bathing
The next service from our side is bathing. Bathing has numerous of benefits be it humans or your pets, it removes dirt, odour, strengthen bones, soften the coat, reduce the shedding and allergies. It is the most important part of pets at home grooming process.